Pilates People

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Week 19 — “Sacral”

“I deserve pleasure in my life.”

How did that sentence make you feel?

According to our friend and chakra specialist, Emily Jo, if you had a reaction outside of "yes I do," something might be a little out of whack with our next chakra.

Don't worry, things are bound to ebb and flow, especially in a world that's constantly changing. 

And just because something is a little off now doesn't mean it will be that way forever.

I think that's maybe important for all of us to remember at the moment. Or at least, definitely me, because holy hundreds did I take the biggest deep breath when I read that sentence. 

So...let's do it. Let's dig into that Sacral chakra and see what we can find. 

It's located WITHIN your pelvis. 
Last week we focused on the BONES of your pelvis.
This week, we're going in.

The color is orange. 
The element is water. 
And the feeling is flow. 

This energetic center controls our ability to change, adapt, move and find pleasure. 

And believe it or not, all of those things are connected.

A week ago, I got my hair cut (FINALLY) by Anthony Payne - if you don't know who he is or what he's doing LOOK HIM UP (@anthonypayne on Instagram) because it's so much more than just a hair cut or an expertly executed rollerskating routine - and we had a really lovely conversation that shifted my perspective on more than a few things.

The biggest thing that stuck with me is his view on the world at the moment - the changes that are necessary and the PEOPLE who are caught in the middle of it all. 

I don't want to spoil the surprise for you if you don't know him, but for where I'm headed, it feels important that you know Anthony is a black man who is donating all proceeds from his services to the BLM movement and has been for over a month now.

And I can't promise, but I get the sense that his other secret service is the conversation you get to have with him while sitting in his chair.

We covered so much, and I truly felt like such a better representation of a human being walking away from him - not just because of my hair.

At some point he said that in his experience (particularly with what he's been doing now) he sees how badly everyone wants change, how badly everyone wants to help somehow and just how eager everyone is to make it all happen. 

"But I don't think we have to do it ALL by fighting and arguing and punishing ourselves."

In Anthony's world, we can come together over a haircut (or a manicure, or a Pilates class) support the cause, support each other AND allow ourselves a treat. And sometimes, that treat will be the haircut, sometimes the treat will be a new friend, sometimes the treat will be successfully getting through a difficult conversation and sometimes the treat will be a sense of "normalcy," even if just for a few minutes.

He's open to all of it - but he doesn't want us to lose the joy in life while we keep fighting the fight. 

They were words I never expected to hear, a perspective I hadn't considered and such a beautiful outlook from someone I didn't think I'd ever meet. 

So yes, I'm telling you to go see Anthony, if you can. It's the best thing I've done for myself in months.

But I'm also telling you to take time FOR YOU. Take time to find JOY and PLEASURE and MOVEMENT and EASE, even while it's hard, even when it might feel selfish and even when it feels like you don't deserve it.

Because probably, that's the moment you deserve it MOST.

So this week in class, we challenge you to let yourself FEEL GOOD. Let it flow. Let yourself get lost in it. And give yourself permission to go there.

Let's just try it, ya? And if it doesn't feel right, okay, we can keep on moving and changing and growing...together.

Because, that's what we're here to do.

All our love,
Cassandra + Pilates People

P.S. - REMEMBER, we have some SUBBING happening this week on Tuesday and Thursday! To check out the adjusted schedule, please head here and take a look at last week's announcements!
