Week 25 — “Catch & Release”
“What goes up, must come down.”
Happy Sunday Pilates People!!!
We did it! We spent 7 weeks together going through each and every Chakra - talking about it, analyzing it, reflecting on it and moving through it! What an accomplishment! We are SO PROUD of you and all the work you've been putting in!!!
Can you feel it? We can and hope you do too.
A few quick reminders, and then we'll get RIGHT INTO IT today!
Our first fall workshop is THIS FRIDAY - September 11th at 5pm with Grace!! It's a foam roller class that you DO NOT want to miss! Sign up here
Our adjusted fall schedule will be fully updated NEXT WEEK so please stay tuned! In the meantime, look for Xander on Tuesday mornings at 9am AND Tuesdays at 12pm with a private session hour AVAILABLE at 10:30am (also on Tuesdays) and Sean on Sundays at 10am starting this Tuesday, September 8th! (times in EST)
So now what? We finished our journey, right?
The end. Moving on.
When has it ever been that simple, friends?
Now comes our time to sit and reflect on what we've discovered. How do all those puzzle pieces come together and what picture do they paint?
Because nothing works completely alone. It's all relative.
And so over these past 7 weeks, we weren't just breaking it down to break it down - we were breaking it down to build it up.
The currents of liberation and manifestation. It's the energy channel that these chakras live on and cycle through and they each play such an important role in making it possible for the channel to run smoothly - in making you a complete, balanced, open human.
Liberation goes up -> from your root to your crown.
Manifestation goes down -> from your crown to your root.
What goes up, must come down.
Or maybe, to come down, you must go up.
Or we could all try living in a handstand for a while and see what that's like? For fun?
I've known this week was coming since the first week of our chakra journey. I had an "ah ha" moment in one of our classes and realized we needed to go here - so I've had a lot of time to sit with it and contemplate.
Please bear with me as I ramble through the contents of 2 months' worth of my late night thoughts...
You know that thing people say about manifesting what you want by putting it out into the world? I do believe there is a bit of truth to that. There is something to the self-fulfilled prophecy and the attraction of what you desire.
What I'm most intrigued by in that statement, however, is "putting it into the world."
That's liberation my friends. Letting it go.
In order to manifest something, you have to be willing and able to release whatever's holding you back, whatever's taking up space that isn't available anymore or whatever needs to pass the test.
Because I also think there's some truth to that absolutely awful "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you it was meant to be and if it doesn't, it never was," thing that people ALWAYS say at the exact WRONG moment and makes me roll my eyes ALL THE WAY BACK.
Go ahead, tell me a time someone said that to you and you were happy about it. Because even right now - are you happy I said it? I'm gonna go with no. BUT I'm still not apologizing. It needed to be said - probably just like every other time it's ever said.
My point is...just because you release something out into the world, doesn't mean you'll never see it again. You might see it under a new light, in a new condition, with a new understanding, on a different page of the story and maybe that's why you needed to say goodbye in the first place.
There is also of course the chance that you'll let it go, and it just goes. And that's so scary, but so necessary. If it goes that just leaves you with space for what you do need - however easy or hard that may be.
And as someone who has a brain that is unwilling to turn off and unwilling to walk away from the giant math problem that is life..it feels comforting to know that there is at least some kind of formula.
One goes up.
The other goes down.
One can't exist without the other.
And so the world spins madly on.
Take a moment, friends. Take as many as you need. 7 weeks, 6 months, an entire lifetime hasn't been enough for me to solve the equation.
And maybe that's the point. Maybe it's not meant to be solved. Maybe it's just meant to be trusted.
Find your flow and then let it go. Over and over and over again.
All our love,
Cassandra + Pilates People