Pilates People

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Week 37 — “The Only Constant”

“Alice replied, rather shyly, `I–I hardly know, sir, just at present– at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then. […] How puzzling all these changes are! I’m never sure what I’m going to be, from one moment to the next.”

Alice in Wonderland

Hello Pilates People!!!!

Happy Sunday!!!

We hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and took a moment to reflect on the good things in our lives.

To catch you up - we're doing all the Cyber Sales!!!
So far, we've released:

  • 20% off ALL merch for Black Friday!

  • $20/month for 3 months of our Aligned Video Library

  • 20% off from our friends at Recess for biodegradable, on-the-go skincare products!

These sales will be live through Tuesday, 12/1 and we'll be releasing MORE deals both Monday and Tuesday!!! Stay tuned!

We have another Community Board moment for you! Our Pilates People member Violet Columbus is in "The Christmas Chronicles 2" on Netflix! For a peek at what Violet looks like, click here, then go get cozy on the couch and check her out!

And exciting news! Xander is back beginning NEXT week! Starting Monday, December 7th he will be joining us Mondays + Wednesdays at 10am!!! So sign up and say hi :)

A maybe surprising truth - I used to HATE Pilates.
Really, truly, I can't stress this enough...

You could not get me into a class unless it was an actual requirement that would effect my overall GPA - and even then I was secretly imploding every minute of that class.

Every so often my mom will say something like, "You know, I remember that first class you ever took. You were so upset. You felt sick. It was dumb. Why would anyone ever do this? And now it's your entire life. It makes me laugh."

Rightfully so. At this point, I've been in and out of practicing Pilates for 15 years, and if you'd told me then that this is where I'd be, well I hated it so much that I'm pretty sure I would've tried a totally different life path just to avoid it.

But I'm so glad that wasn't the case, because now, I love it. Inside and out. Full 180 flip.

What I'm getting at here is something our friend Bryn Chrisman said in her Thanksgiving yoga class (check her and Yogamaya out some time!) - "You are allowed to change your mind."

Thank goodness for that.

I think the bigger struggle is perhaps in the "allowed" part - giving ourselves permission to change our minds - because doing that means we have to be willing not only to adapt, but to admit that at some point, we were maybe wrong...and that's not always an easy thing to do.

Especially when we can change our minds about the big things too. Think about any relationship that ever ended. Or any relationship that ended and restarted. Or any belief that you used to hold that is no more. Those are all very significant, big things and they are not exempt from the proverbial, "The only constant is change."

And maybe as we're continuing to grow and adapt it's a subconscious shift that we make into these adjustments or maybe it's a hard decision. It could even be a combination of both. There's no one way to do it or right answer here. It's just a fact - you always can and likely will change your mind. And sometimes, it might happen without you even noticing.

So keep some doors and windows of possibility open for yourself and check in. Don't assume you think or feel the same way you did yesterday, last week, 9 months ago or 15 years ago. Think of all the things that have happened in the in between.

As Alice said, "It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."

And while I might argue about the use of revisiting the past, I cannot argue the fact that we are all different people on a day to day basis.

So go on, change your mind! Contradict yourself! Stay curious, humble and open! Do a few rounds of that forearm plank and then decide, nah, child's pose is the thing today. We're here for it.

We only ask that you keep learning, keep moving and keep trying. As long as that's happening, we'll be alright.

We're here with you working on all the same things, just across the screen.

All our love,
Cassandra + Pilates People
