Pelvic Clock
Machine Set Up/Body Set Up
Lying supine with knees bent and feet on the floor - hands resting on hip bones
Movement Description
Rock pelvis into and out of posterior and anterior tilts
Rock pelvis laterally from right to left
Rock pelvis to the right, into an anterior tilt, to the lift, into a posterior tilt (tracing “the face
of the clock”)
Reverse the direction
Teaching movement of pelvis and various positions it can be in
Loosening up lumbar spine
Finding connection of sacrum
to the mat
Anyone who shouldn’t lay supine (can do this seated)
Acute lumbar spine/SI joint injuries
Options for modifications/advancements/props
Squishy ball under sacrum to challenge stability and help
mobilize lumbar spine
Can be done seated on a squishy
ball/exercise ball
Prep exercises/related
Pilates breath
Any single leg work