Week 39 - “Marbles”

"The only mistake you can make is not asking for help."

-- Sandeep Jauhar

Hello Pilates People!!!!

Just another moment to acknowledge all the work you've been doing and how far you've each come. We are constantly inspired by you and so very lucky to be in your presence every week. Thank you for being here!

Exciting news! We're beginning a Pre/postnatal class (babies welcome) beginning January 2nd 2021! Every Saturday morning at 10am, anyone interested can join Cassandra for a class that is SAFE, FUN and CHALLENGING for these bodies!

If you're interested and need more information, or know someone who might be, please do shoot us an email so we can keep you in the loop! Otherwise, go ahead and
sign up now!

We'll also be announcing a new 2021 "Challenge" soon! So please stay tuned and join us in creating new HEALTHY habits in this upcoming year!

Jenni and I have a little joke (it's not really a joke) that our themes are really wrapped up in what we need that week. It's made me question how selfish I am just a little bit but...get ready, because we're doing it again and if you know me, you're about to laugh. Maybe a lot.

This week, we want to talk about asking for and receiving help, and how it isn't a sign of "weakness" to need a little support. In fact, I'd love to argue that it is a monumental display of strength - one that I am constantly struggling to find.

So do it for me! Because it's all about me right? (kiddinggggg...obviously. I hope that was obvious. Oh dear...)

Here's the thing, in my experience the time of year we're approaching is one where joy is expected. We're being told to be cozy, happy, in the glow of the lights and generally jolly. Which is AMAZING...when that's how you're feeling.

But this time is also complicated for lots of people out there, especially this year. And it is okay to say that, out loud. It's okay to say you're struggling. It's okay to not feel how everyone else seems to. It's okay to want support. And it is MORE than just okay to get the support you need.

And yes, I just went way into our emotions, because I'm me and that's what I do. But let's talk about our bodies for a second, shall we?

Your body also needs help, and actually it's a very clear communicator. You just have to be willing to listen.

You know that pain in your back? That's NOT your body saying "Come on Devon, PUSH HARDER!!" That's your body saying, "This is too much for me right now. Do you mind helping me out a bit?"

And here's the beauty of that moment - you have the power to listen and to help. Doesn't that feel good?

It's like that argument about whether or not altruism truly exists (For those unfamiliar, the discussion circles around the fact that the altruistic individual ALSO feels good having performed their act and so are ALSO getting something out of it, which is contrary to the definition of altruism.).

I'm not here to argue that one way or the other, I'm simply here to point out that in a moment when you can help yourself, you are benefiting from both sides of that equation. What an amazing gift you can both give AND receive! So why wouldn't you?

As for the times when you need to ask for help outside of yourself, what's the worst that can happen?
Yes...I'm doing this and I'm going to say it.
Nothing. The worst that can happen is nothing.
And in the case of nothing, you're no worse off than you were before you tried.
That's all we want for you.

Please keep trying and accept the support this week. It's our hope to give as much as we can while walking you through how it can deepen and strengthen you, your practice and your world.

And if you need more, just ask.
We're always here.

All our love,
Cassandra + Pilates People

P.S. - in case you forgot, here's our collection of suggested
props! Check them out and if you don't have yoga blocks, please get yourself a pair! For my sake...because again...this is all for me.

P.P.S. - I'm still joking. That's clear, ya? I really hope so...

P.P.P.S. - are you still here? Get going!!! I don't have anything else to say...just rambling now.

P.P.P.P.S. - sending you such a big hug, just in case you need it today.


Week 40 - “Helmets On”


Week 38 — “Offa That Thing”