Week 1 — “Positively Imperfect”

Hi friends,  

How are you?

I mean it, you know. I'm really asking. How are you doing? How are you feeling?  

Permission to be totally honest for a second? Me - I'm feeling a little vulnerable, a little fragile and a little in need of the allowance to be just what I am right now - a person who is a little unsure and more than a little imperfect.

That's not to say it's all dreary though. I'm working each and every day to find the positives and to be hopeful. In that, I keep returning to the same thoughts.

Even though I'm not sure when or how this all ends, I'm hopeful that when it does we can all walk away a little more grateful:

  • for each and every hug

  • for all the crowded streets and waitlists to eat our favorite food

  • for the noise of a busy life

  • and the quiet of choosing to stay home

  • for the ability to come and go as we please

  • for not needing to worry about whether or not there will be any toilet paper left tomorrow  

and having learned:  

  • the importance of staying in touch and checking in on each other

  • that money isn't everything

  • that slowing down is okay

  • that we don't always have to be going and doing and creating and providing. Sometimes, we really can just be.

  • rules aren't real

  • that this world and our lives are precious. It can and all has changed in the span of an exhale. Taking things for granted just isn't an option anymore

So as we move together today, I invite you to go deeper and to allow yourself to feel it all. Your body will guide you through, you just have to listen to it. Who cares if it's perfect? Who cares if you're doing it right? Who cares if you totally ignore what I'm saying and do whatever you want instead?

Let's work on caring about how it feels.

And again, one more time, I want to ask - how are you? Really? There are no rules and no wrong answers here.

"I'm still here and so are you," my friends. Today and for whatever comes next.

All my love,



Week 2 — “What is Normal?”