Week 14 — “Tear It Down”

“When one door closes, another one opens,” is all fine and good if you have the doors for it. But what about the moment the doors just disappear?

Hello Pilates People!! 

To those who observe - Happy Father's Day! 
To those who don't - Happy Sunday!!!!

We have a lot to get to today, so I'm going to go ahead and jump right in!


We're adding more LIVE classes to our schedule!!! Beginning this week, please join us:

  • Thursdays at 9am with Jenni

  • Saturdays at 12pm with Grace

  • Sundays at 12pm with Sean

Which brings us to welcoming our WEEKEND WARRIOR team - Grace and Sean! We are so very excited about them! They are truly fantastic movers and humans and we know you're going to love them! To learn more about them, please click here.

And a reminder that Xander will be hopping in to teach again this Monday at 5pm! If you missed him last time - catch him this time!!! 


We are also SO CLOSE to breaking the $1000 mark with our donations! In the past few weeks, we have raised over $900 and given portions of it to the Black Visions Collective, Color of Change, the Black Feminist Project and G.L.I.T.S. inc. We will be choosing a new organization this week and announcing on social media so please join us for our ongoing donation classes Friday mornings at 10am with Cassandra!


One final announcement, I promise (in the future, please head here for all of our announcements - don't worry, we'll keep reminding you) - WE HAVE MERCH!!!!! Get in on that action here.

Did you make it through all of that? GOOD! Us too :)

A little behind the scenes for you - Jenni and I hop on a call every Friday to plan the week ahead and check items off what's becoming a novel of a to-do list (we checked off SO MUCH this week!).

Those Friday calls are when we discuss the next week's "theme." Two days ago, we found ourselves coming off of our momentum high and retracing steps back to how we got here - the moment when our doors disappeared.

Which brought us to the question - when you find yourself stuck in a hallway of walls with no visible way out, what do you do?

"You blow a giant hole in the wall and walk through it," was my immediate answer.
Jenni emphatically nodded and said, "Yes."

Having given it some more time and thought, I guess you could also go under or over the wall or even take a moment to assess the wall and see if it's something you can work with.

That's just not my style.
Brute force, baby. All the way.

But the real question is, what do YOU do in that moment - when all your assumed realities and possibilities suddenly disappear? How do you spin that pressure around and make your diamond anyway?

And once again, there are no rules and no wrong answers here. You don't have to run into walls as fast and as hard as you can just because that's how I do it. It's definitely not the method that takes self-preservation into account, so not doing that makes ALL THE SENSE.

Maybe you need to sit with the wall for a second - assessing it, noticing how you feel about it and carefully choosing your way to address it.

Maybe you need to leave and return with all the tools necessary (and maybe some that turn out to be unnecessary, but hey, you were super prepared) to create new doors for yourself.

Maybe you're the person who will crawl under the wall.

Or maybe you fly over it.

Maybe you need to metaphorically hit your head against the wall a few times to get the frustration out (please don't actually injure yourself - we love you too much for that) before you come back with paint and make that wall something beautiful to behold.

Or maybe you just tear that sucker down.

No matter what you do with it, it's probably about pushing limits, changing goals, recontextualizing what you thought you knew and having the determination to say, "no, you will not put me into this box unless it's the box I WANT to be in."

Our box?
It's one without walls. 
We tore them all down a while ago and are here to see what we can do without those limits.

But that's our box.
Not yours. 

We're still here with you friends, and we're not going anywhere.

Let's keep making this what we want it to be - you, me, us, our bodies, the world...all of it.

Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay fiesty.

All our love,
Pilates People


Week 15 — “Kryptonite”


Week 13 — “Ride With Us”