Week 20 — “Solarplexus”

“I can do whatever I will to do.”

Hello everyone!!

Happy Sunday and welcome to August! We have officially been moving, growing and adapting together for over 4 months now, which is a little mind-blowing for me, in the best of ways.

Again, and always again, thank you so much for being here with us through it all. We are so lucky to know you!

A few quick announcements to hit this week:

  • Our monthly Zoom Happy Hour is BACK! Please join us this Friday, August 7th from 5-7pm for a FREE moment of community! Feel free to com in and out and stay for as long as you like! We had a blast last month and cannot wait to see all your shining faces again! To RSVP and receive the link click here

  • Grace will be stepping in to teach our Thursday 12pm (EST) LIVE classes for the month of August! If you haven't already, sign up and CHECK HER OUT!

We all know the story of Icarus, right? (If not, now's your moment to do some Greek mythology research, and if you need some help, my parents have so many books of mine back in NJ from when I was a fascinated and slightly obsessed child...we can get you those)

For those who are maybe unfamiliar, his big thing was attempting an escape from the island he was trapped on by flying too close to the sun wearing the wings he constructed of feather and wax, which of course melted with the heat causing him to plummet back to the earth.

It was a lesson in humility, the ability to listen and the acceptance that we're all only human, so not to push it too far.

But, what if we pushed it, just far enough?

What if he hadn't gotten SO CLOSE?

Okay yes, I know, then the story wouldn't be the story, because, that's the whole point...duh, Cassandra.

I guess I'm proposing a small rewrite.

What if he had succeeded? 

What if we succeeded too? 

Our chakra this week is our Solarplexus.
It's located just above your belly button.
The color is yellow.
The element is fire.
And the feeling is warm.

This energy center controls our ability to face and meet challenges. Personally, that feels like a constant effort. Now, maybe more than ever. 

So let's do it. 

Let's build our wings (also proposing that we use something a little more reliable than wax and feathers) and give them a test ride. 

And guess what, in our case, if they don't work, the floor is never all that far away and is always there, ready to catch us should anything happen. So our stakes aren't all that high and we can take our movement practice as a way to train ourselves to face those real life moments where things do matter and the "floor" is further away. 

Go ahead, fall over. 
And then fall again. 
And again.
And each time you fall over, we're going to ask you to rise back up, ready to face a whole new challenge.

Because you can.
Remember that.

Set your heart on the sun, light that inner fire and let's get as close as we can.

All our love,
Cassandra + Pilates People


Week 21 — “Heart”


Week 19 — “Sacral”