Week 23 — “Third Eye”

“I am open to the wisdom within.”


Happy Sunday! Can you tell I'm excited about this week and being here with you? :)

A few things:

  • We have new merch for you (and more in the works, so stay tuned!)!! You're already a part of the club (duh) but get yourself your own one of a kind keychain to seal the deal! They're individually numbered, unique to you and make sure that we really do come with you wherever and however! To check out these keychains (and while you're there, take a look at our Holy Hundreds candle) please click here

  • We have a line up of weekend workshops for the fall including:

    •  Rock and Roll: Friday night Rolling Jam with Grace - a specific class and follow up Q&A for all your foam roller curiosities

    • another chance to check out Emily Jo's Chakra + Meditation Workshop which we HIGHLY recommend - especially after all the work we've been doing together! Even if you took it last time, maybe you take it again to gather a different, deeper understanding!

    • a Nutrition Myth Busters workshop with Lucy Wild of Wildly Nutritious to go through and debunk common nutrition fads

    • AND our Friday Happy Hours! A FREE chance to hang out with us on the first Friday of every month!

To check out these workshops and JOIN US please click here! We would love to see you!
You know that thing people say about visualizing what you want and putting it out into the universe? Or, in the opposite case, self-fulfilled prophecies where you end up with exactly what you were afraid of?

Ever done either?

Been in a situation and thought, "Hey, this is familiar. I know this and I know how it ends," and been able to redirect to a different ending?

Had a dream that ended with 4 simple words, and then woken up to receive a text of those exact words within minutes?


Just me?

Well...ya...okay...I thought that last one was spooky too, but I'd be lying if I said things like that didn't happen to me fairly frequently...

We're at your third eye, friends. 
Located in the middle of your forehead.
The right is to see.
The color is indigo and the element is light.
This chakra controls your pattern recognition, your intuition, imagination, memory and vision.

This one's my thing. 

It's my super power.

And my weakness. 

And that's what we're here to do, right? 
Talk about and find the balance between those opposite ends of the spectrum - the ability to fly and the aversion to kryptonite - and continually relearn that really, those polar opposites are coming from the same source (yup, still making the superhero references).

In Emily Jo's workshop, there's a point at which she has you take a quiz to determine which of your chakras are open/underactive/overactive. My third eye was up in the 80's which...is maybe, definitely, VERY overactive. Which I immediately interpreted as "YES. I WON THE THIRD EYE CROWN!"

Come to find out...having an overactive third eye isn't necessarily a victory and might even explain my vivid, lifelong nightmares, why I can recall specific details that no one else seems to care about, and why I just seem to know what's going on with someone, whether or not they'd like me to.

That's been a tough lesson for me, and something I'm still negotiating - just because I can see that someone's hiding something from me and I'm pretty sure I am close to knowing what it is, doesn't mean they want or need me to know. Or that I need to know, for that matter.

So I've just gotten good at opening a door in case someone is ready to walk through, or choosing to live in denial of what I think I know because I personally don't feel ready to approach it just yet.

But I still feel it. All of the time.

Back to the point...there's not a single moment in my life that I can point to and say, "Well, my intuition was wrong there," but there are SO MANY moments that I can point to and say, "Well...you tried to pretend you weren't feeling that and then look what happened. Why didn't you just listen? You already knew."

Think on that for a moment.

Can anyone relate? 


This week is about trusting your gut, friends and going IN to listen carefully.

Think less. Feel more. Believe what you already know.

And maybe start a dream journal. Or read a book. Or check out some astrology. Or what's your Myers-Briggs personality? 

According to Emily Jo, each of those things will help strengthen your relationship to your third eye, which, let's be honest, we could all really use right now. (If you could see the amount of personality quizzes Jenni and I pass back and forth...it's embarrassing. But we are officially SO TUNED IN!)

Trust yourself. 

You've got this.

And if you don't, our door is always open. 

Remember that and let's move through it, together.

All our love,
Cassandra + Pilates People


Week 24 — “Crown”


Week 22 — “Throat”