Week 7 — “I Miss You”

Hey Pilates People!

Another exciting week for us here - our own website and our first two LIVE classes! Thank you for helping us grow, learn and evolve. We are so grateful for the opportunity to be here with you.

And a reminder that we are ALWAYS open to feedback. Have any thoughts, suggestions or requests? Go ahead and send them our way! We are dedicated to doing whatever we can to meet you where you are and so appreciate your willingness to experiment in this new terrain together.

That word is what I want to dive into this week - together. Yesterday, I realized that soon I'll be able to say that I haven't seen the people I love in two months. That feels pretty overwhelming and frustrating. Whether they're here, just barely out of my reach or so far away that morning and night somehow happen at the same time, the reality remains that we didn't choose to not be near each other.

Sometimes I find myself wondering if it might feel better if I somehow wanted this distance, but I keep coming back to the simple fact that I just don't.

If you couldn't already tell, I'm a person who thrives off of human connection and have been known to just show up places to say hi (invited, but mostly not) on a whim. Before this all happened, my alone time was limited to an hour or two a day (maybe...probably even less than that) because truly, I didn't want to be alone. I love people and feeling connected, even if it's just a quiet moment together. I would almost always choose that over sitting quietly alone.

So this thing has been a major shock to my system. My body and heart feel so foreign some days, because I'm missing a big part of who I am in everyone's absence.

And please, don't mistake this for me complaining. I'm not. I fully understand why I'm here and you're there. It's important and I am so grateful for all of us that it isn't any worse...but I want you to know that I miss you. Truly. And deeply.

And this, all of it, is me trying to bring and keep us together, however I can - sharing movement and thoughts and feelings - because it feels so important.

When we talk about being together, I believe what we're actually talking about is sharing - space, time, experiences and ourselves through physical and energetic exchanges. And while it feels like some of those options are off the table right now, I'm not sure that they are.

I really think we can keep sharing all of it, we just have to be a little more creative and a little more clever.

But we can do that. We can absolutely do that.

So go on, tell your friends and family what you've been up to. Let's get them going and maybe take class all together sometime soon!

This is yours just as much as it's mine or anyone else's. Pilates People is us, working together and sharing our stories.

So, even when I miss you, I know that we have this. And that means so very much.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay together.

All my love,


Week 8 — “Driver’s Seat”


Week 6 — “Star Girl”